My Blog - Science, Coding, etc.

Exploring Nome's Sea Ice with Satellite and Ground Radar

I recently found out about UAF’s sea-ice radar...

Running dockerized google earth engine (GEE) map

The steps I took to open and run a dockerized...

Notes on using git

I’m currently going through the extremely helpful thoughtbot...

Git merging main into an in-progress feature-branch

In a collaborative (or solo) git project I’m...

Setting up Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL

I just spent a long time getting my Windows machine...

Custom JavaScript in Bookdown

I wanted some custom behavior in my bookdown project. Specifically,...

Writing a textbook with bookdown

I am working on an outline for a textbook for...

Adding a `sitemap.xml` for SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. I want to improve...

First Post!

This blog is going to be a collection of notes...

Getting started with a jekyll, minimal mistakes, and github pages

This site was built with jekyll. In my...

Deploying github page to own domain

I wanted something a little more professional than

Changing in-line code color

I was getting annoyed with the difficulty of seeing the...